India: Dholka and Wavel Fields

In 1995, JTI entered into a production sharing agreement with the Government of India (GOI) to develop the Dholka and Wavel fields in Gujarat, India.  Through our onsite improvements and analysis of the field's proven reserves, we have increased production in Dholka field three-fold, and doubled the reserves in Dholka field. In Wavel field, we have reactivated the abandoned field by drilling new wells.

The Dholka and Wavel fields are located in the state of Gujarat in India, about 320 miles north of Mumbai, and within 38 miles from Ahmedabad, a major city in Gujarat, India. Dholka field has numerous hydrocarbon zones including conventional sandstone-siltstone reservoirs and newly discovered shale reservoirs. Wavel field also has numerous hydrocarbon zones.

As of June 2024, the total production from the two fields in India is about 650 BOE (barrels of oil equivalent) per day.

Dholka Field:

As of June 2024, there are 38 producing wells in the Dholka field with oil production of about 500 barrels of oil per day and gas production of about 18,000 Std. Cubic Meters (SCM) per day (equivalent to 80 BOE per day). Thus, the total production from Dholka field as of June 2024 is about 580 BOE per day. The majority of produced gas is sold to local business enterprises.

In addition, we have two active water-injection schemes for secondary recovery in Dholka field. Our daily injection rate averages at about 800-900 barrels of water injection.

We own a work-over rig which is being used to maintain and improve production in Dholka & Wavel fields. We have successfully maintained production in both fields by doing work-over jobs.

Our plan to drill one new development well is expected to finish in the second half of 2024, and adding more water injection schemes for enhancing secondary recovery is ongoing.

Wavel Field:

Wavel field was abandoned. After JTI took over the field, we reactivated it by drilling two new wells. Recently during first half of 2023, JTI drilled one new well in Wavel field. The new well is now tested and the production has stabilized. As of December 2023, three wells in Wavel field produce a total of about 70 barrels of oil per day.